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5700 Student Health and Safety

5708-AG Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders

A. Upon receipt of a Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) order or POST (physician orders for scope of treatment) form for a student, the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee will:

1.Within five school days coordinate a meeting with the student (if appropriate), the student’s parent/guardian and physician(s) (if available), and appropriate school personnel to develop an emergency response plan that includes an individual resuscitation plan and comfort-care measures for the student. If a physician is not available, the District will request and review written input from a physician. If any such plan is not consistent with the student’s Section 504 plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP), the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee will ensure that a Section 504 or IEP Team meeting for the student is promptly convened. If the student does not currently have a Section 504 plan or IEP, the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee will consider whether to refer the student for an appropriate evaluation.

2. Consult with District legal counsel if there are concerns that the DNR order or POST form was not obtained in a manner that complies with Michigan law or if there are concerns that the DNR order or POST form are not in the student’s best interests.

3. Maintain the DNR order, POST form, or individual emergency response plan in a separate, designated file.

4. Provide actual notice of the DNR order, POST form, or individual emergency response plan to all personnel responsible for providing instructional and noninstructional services for the student.

5. Ensure that all personnel, including volunteers and contractors, responsible for providing instructional and noninstructional services for the student receive training on the student’s emergency response plan, including the individual resuscitation plan and comfort-care measures. The training must include notice to appropriate personnel that the Heimlich maneuver or other similar procedures used to expel an obstruction from an individual’s throat does not constitute a resuscitative measure and may be performed even for a student with a DNR order or POST form. 

6. Convene a meeting of the student (if appropriate), the student’s parents/guardians and physician(s), and appropriate school personnel at the beginning of each school year to determine if the DNR order or POST form has been modified or revoked and to review and revise the student’s emergency response plan as needed.

7. Contact emergency medical personnel any time a student’s medical condition appears to be life threatening, even if the student has an emergency response plan that includes an individual resuscitation plan. If a health professional arrives during the emergency situation, the health professional will determine if the student has one or more vital signs.

8. Provide emergency medical personnel a copy of any DNR order or POST form of which the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee has actual notice.

9. Follow any emergency described above by debriefing with the student (if appropriate), the student’s parents/guardians and physician(s), and appropriate school personnel to review the emergency response plan and to discuss how the plan may be improved.

10. Follow any emergency by addressing the emotional needs of other students and personnel who witnessed the emergency.

11. Summarize all understandings in a letter to the student (if appropriate) and the student’s parents/guardians and physician(s).

B. Pursuant to the Michigan Do-Not-Resuscitate Procedure Act, a parent/guardian or student may revoke a DNR order or POST form at any time by providing actual notice to the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee. Upon receipt of such notice, the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee will:

1.Provide actual notice to all personnel responsible for providing instructional and noninstructional services to the student that the DNR order or POST form is no longer applicable and that personnel should follow standard emergency response policies and practices for the student.

2. Maintain a copy of the written notice in the file created for the student’s DNR orders, POST forms, or emergency response plans.

3. Convene a meeting with the student (if appropriate), the student’s parents/guardians and physician(s), and appropriate school personnel to modify the emergency response plan, including the individual resuscitation plan and comfort-care measures. If any such plan is not consistent with the student’s Section 504 plan or IEP, the Superintendent, building administrator, or Superintendent’s designee will ensure that a Section 504 or IEP Team meeting for the student is promptly convened.

4. Ensure that emergency medical personnel are made aware that the student’s DNR order or POST form has been revoked and that all appropriate life-saving measures should be used if an emergency arises.

If school staff become aware that a student has expressed an intent to revoke a DNR order or POST form, the staff member must immediately report that information to the building administrator, Superintendent, or Superintendent’s designee.

C. As used in this Administrative Guideline, actual notice includes the physical presentation of an order, a revocation of an order, or another written document authorized under the Michigan Do-Not-Resuscitate Procedure Act. 

D. The building administrator or Superintendent’s designee is responsible for supervising the steps outlined above.

Adoption date: 08/09/2021

Revised date:

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