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5200 Student Rights

5202 Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Against Students

5202  Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Against Students

The District prohibits unlawful discrimination. “Unlawful Discrimination” includes unlawful harassment and retaliation, unless specifically stated otherwise. The District will investigate all allegations of Unlawful Discrimination and will take appropriate action, including discipline, against any person who, following an investigation, is determined to have engaged in Unlawful Discrimination.

Complaints alleging Unlawful Discrimination, harassment, and Retaliation against a student will be investigated using the process outlined in Policies 3115-3115H.

Complaints alleging Title IX sexual harassment will be investigated using the Grievance Process outlined in Policy 3118.

The identities of the District’s Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator, and Civil Rights Coordinator are listed in Policy 3115B.

A.  Student Handbooks

The Superintendent or designee will include in student handbooks a statement explaining the District’s policy against Unlawful Discrimination, including unlawful harassment and Retaliation. This statement must include an explanation of types of Unlawful Discrimination, examples of harassment, reporting requirements, and consequences as described in this Policy.

B. Reporting Requirements

District personnel must immediately report incidents of alleged Unlawful Discrimination, including incidents that District personnel witness or about which they receive reports or information, regardless of whether the incidents are verbal, visual, or physical, and whether the incidents also constitute harassment, bullying, or hazing.

District personnel who witness an act of Unlawful Discrimination must intervene immediately, unless circumstances would make intervention dangerous. A person who is unable to intervene should promptly attempt to find another person who is able to intervene, contact a building administrator, or contact law enforcement, as the situation requires.

Any student who witnesses an act of Unlawful Discrimination is encouraged to report it to District personnel. No student will be retaliated against based on any report of suspected Unlawful Discrimination. A student may also anonymously report an incident of Unlawful Discrimination. The District will investigate anonymous reports to the extent possible pursuant to Policies 3115-3115H or Policy 3118, as applicable. Minor students do not need Parent permission to file a Complaint or participate in the Grievance Procedure described in Policies 3115-3115H and 3118.

C.  Office for Civil Rights

Any person who believes that he or she was the victim of Unlawful Discrimination may file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at any time:

U.S. Department of Education

Office for Civil Rights

1350 Euclid Avenue, Suite 325

Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Phone: (216) 522-4970


An OCR complaint may be filed before, during, or after filing a Complaint with the District. A person may forego filing a Complaint with the District and instead file a complaint directly with OCR. The District recommends that a person who has been subjected to Unlawful Discrimination also file a Complaint with the District to ensure that the District is able to take steps to prevent any further discrimination and to discipline the alleged perpetrator, if appropriate. OCR does not serve as an appellate body for District decisions. An investigation by OCR will occur separately from any District investigation.

Legal authority: 20 USC 1400 et seq., 1681 et seq.; 29 USC 206 et seq., 621 et seq., 701 et seq., 794, 2601 et seq., 6101 et seq.; 38 USC 4301 et seq.; 42 USC 1983, 2000d et seq., 2000e et seq., 2000ff et seq., 6101 et seq., 12101 et seq.; 29 CFR 1604.1 et seq., 1635; 34 CFR 106.1, et seq.; MCL 37.1101 et seq., 37.2101 et seq.

Date adopted: 08/09/21

Date revised: 10/16/23, 3/10/2025

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