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Series 4000: District Employment

4200 Employee Conduct and Ethics

4209 Prohibition Against Abortion Referrals and Assistance

A District official, Board member, or District employee shall not refer a student for an abortion or assist a student with obtaining an abortion. This prohibition does not apply to a person who is the parent or legal guardian of that student. 

lf a parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the District believes that a District official, Board member, or District employee has violated this Policy, the parent/guardian may file a complaint with the Superintendent, who will investigate the complaint and, within 30 calendar days after the date of the complaint, provide a written report of his/her finding to the complainant and to the Superintendent of Public Instruction in accordance with state law. If a violation is substantiated, the Board or designee will discipline that person in accordance with the law, Board Policy, and any applicable collective bargaining agreement or individual employment contract. See Policy 2303. The Superintendent or designee will take corrective action to ensure that there is no further violation.

Legal Authority: MCL 380.1507; MCL 388.1766, 388.1766a

Date Adopted: 08/09/2021

Date Revised

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