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3100 General Operations

3115H Training Requirements, Recordkeeping, and Policy Notice

A.  Title IX Training Requirements

The following individuals must receive training related to their duties under Title IX. Training may not rely on sex stereotypes.

1.   All Employees

All District employees must be trained upon hiring and annually on:

a.   The District’s obligation to address sex discrimination;

b.   The scope of conduct that constitutes sex discrimination under Title IX and its implementing regulations, including the definition of sex-based harassment;

c.   The obligation to notify the Title IX Coordinator when the employee has information about conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination;

d.   The obligation to provide a possible Complainant with the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information and information about how to make a complaint of sex discrimination; and

e.   Notification requirements for pregnant students.

2.   Key Role Training

a.   All Key Roles: Any individual who serves in a Key Role under Title IX must be trained upon hire, when Key Role duties change, and annually thereafter on:

                                i.   All training requirements applicable to all employees;

                               ii.   The District’s obligations in responding to allegations of sex discrimination;

                              iii.   The District’s Grievance Procedure;

                              iv.   How to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue,                                             conflicts of interest, and bias; and

                               v.   The meaning and application of the term “relevant” in relation to questions and                                               evidence, and the types of evidence that are impermissible regardless of relevance.

b.   Informal Resolution Facilitator

                 Individuals who serve as an Informal Resolution Facilitator must be trained upon hire, when Key                   Role duties change, and annually thereafter on:

                                i.   All training requirements applicable to all employees;

                               ii.   All training requirements applicable to Key Roles;

                              iii.   The rules and practices of the District’s informal resolution process; and

                              iv.   How to serve impartially, including by avoiding conflicts of interest and bias.

c.   Title IX Coordinator

                 Individuals who are designated as a Title IX Coordinator must be trained upon    hire, when Key                     Role duties change, and annually thereafter on:

                                i.   All training requirements applicable to all employees;

                               ii.   All training requirements applicable to Key Roles;

                              iii.   All training requirements applicable to the Informal Resolution Coordinator;

                              iv.   The Coordinator’s obligation to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with its                                             responsibilities under Title IX;

                               v.   Supportive Measures;

                              vi.   The District’s recordkeeping system;

                             vii.   Recordkeeping requirements; and

                           viii.   Any other training necessary to coordinate the District’s Title IX compliance.

B.  Other Coordinator Training Requirements

All other Coordinators and individuals assigned to serve in a Key Role outside of Title IX investigations must be adequately trained.

C.  Record Keeping

The District will maintain the following records for a minimum of seven years:

1.   For each Title IX Sex Discrimination Complaint, records documenting the informal resolution process or the Grievance Procedure, and the resulting outcome;

2.   For each notification to the Title IX Coordinator about conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination, including notifications received from District employees, records documenting the actions the District took to meet its obligations in responding to sex discrimination; and

3.   All materials used to provide training under Title IX.

D.  Nondiscrimination Notice Requirement

The District will prominently post on its website and otherwise provide notice of nondiscrimination to students, parents, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and all unions and professional organizations with collective bargaining agreements with the District. The notice of nondiscrimination will comply with all applicable laws.

Legal authority: 20 USC 1400 et seq., 1681 et seq.; 29 USC 206 et seq., 621 et seq., 701 et seq., 794, 2601 et seq., 6101 et seq.; 38 USC 4301 et seq.; 42 USC 1983, 2000d et seq., 2000e et seq., 2000ff et seq., 6101 et seq., 12101 et seq.; 29 CFR 1604.1 et seq., 1635; 34 CFR 106.1, et seq.; MCL 37.1101 et seq., 37.2101 et seq.

Date adopted: 7/16/24

Date revised:

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