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4600 The Superintendent

4603 Performance Evaluation

Performance evaluations for the Superintendent are an essential element of providing quality educational services and measuring job performance and effectiveness. This Policy does not diminish the Board’s authority or ability to either terminate the Superintendent’s employment during the term of the Superintendent’s employment contract or to non-renew the Superintendent’s contract at its expiration.

The Board will ensure that the Superintendent is evaluated based on a performance evaluation system described in Revised School Code Sections 1249 and 1249b and the individual employment contract. The evaluation may include, where appropriate or required by law, the following components:

A. a year-end annual evaluation by the Board, unless the Superintendent qualifies for a biennial evaluation, provided that this does not limit the Board’s right to conduct more frequent evaluations where deemed appropriate by the Board;

B. an improvement plan if the Superintendent is evaluated as minimally effective or ineffective, or at the Board’s discretion;

C. student growth and other considerations as required by law;

D. an overall effectiveness rating of highly effective, effective, minimally effective, or ineffective;

E. dismissal of a Superintendent rated ineffective on 3 consecutive year-end evaluations;

F. a tool approved by the MDE, a modified tool (if posting requirements are met), or a local evaluation tool adopted in compliance with Revised School Code Sections 1249 and 1249b;

G. website posting of required information pertaining to the evaluation tool;

H. providing appropriate training for Board members; and

I. other components that the Board deems relevant, important, or in the District’s best interests.

The Board, in its discretion, may provide periodic scheduled feedback about the Superintendent’s performance.

Legal authority: MCL 380.11a, 380.601a, 380.1249, 380.1249b

Date adopted:   08/09/2021

Date revised:

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