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5700 Student Health and Safety

5702 Student Illness and Injury

A. Parents/guardians are expected to report student absences due to illness or injury to the building principal or designee. Students and parents/guardians should communicate with school staff to minimize the impact of illness or injuryrelated absences on the student’s educational progress. Students who will be absent for an extended period of time may be eligible for homebound or hospitalized services in accordance with Policy 5416

B. School employees who suspect that a student’s absences may be disabilityrelated must immediately refer the student for an evaluation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

C. When the building principal or designee determines that a student is too ill or injured to remain at school, school staff will contact the student’s parent/guardian or other designated responsible adult to pick up the student from school. If the student requires immediate medical attention, the District will first attempt to contact a parent/guardian or other designated responsible adult when reasonably possible. If contact cannot be made, the building principal or designee will take any reasonable action necessary on the student’s behalf, consistent with state law.

Students showing symptoms of a communicable disease may be sent home. The District may require a statement from a licensed physician or local health official before allowing the student to return to school. The District must report the occurrence or suspected occurrence of any disease, condition, or infection identified in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Communicable Disease Rules to the local health department within 24 hours.

D. Parents/guardians must submit an emergency information form for each of their students. The form must list the contact information for each parent/guardian and designated responsible adult, any necessary emergency instructions, and any known medical conditions.

Date adopted: 08/09/2021

Date revised:

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