In connection with the District’s issuance of securities that are subject to the requirements of Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 (“Bonds”), the District may be subject to a continuing disclosure undertaking or agreement (“CDA”) to disclose certain information after issuance of Bonds. A CDA may be found in the Bond issue’s transcript of proceedings.
The chief business official (“Compliance Officer”) will be responsible for establishing and coordinating compliance with this Policy.
If the Board determines that compliance with this Policy in a particular situation would impose an unreasonable burden on the District, it may forego compliance with the advice of bond counsel.
A. The Compliance Officer
i. A financial obligation means:
ii. Financial obligation does not include any municipal security for which a final official statement has been provided to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board pursuant to Rule 15c2-12.
2. The District, at its cost, will provide the Compliance Officer with training and educational resources necessary to ensure compliance with the CDAs.
3. The Compliance Officer has authority to seek guidance from the District’s bond counsel and financial advisors to comply with the CDAs.
B. Review of Offering Materials
When the District issues Bonds, the Compliance Officer will review the preliminary official statement, final official statement, and other applicable offering materials to ensure they do not:
C. Post-Issuance Obligations
i. audited financial statements for the most recently ended fiscal year in compliance with state laws, administrative rules, and generally accepted accounting principles applicable to the District as such principles are prescribed, in part, by the Financial Accounting Standards Board and modified by the Government Accounting Standards Board; and
ii. additional annual financial information and operating data set forth in the respective CDA or in the respective official statement for a particular Bond issue under the heading “CONTINUING DISCLOSURE” or similar heading.
b. notice of certain reportable events, subject in some cases to a determination of materiality by the District, within 10 business days after the occurrence. See each CDA for the respective list of events, which typically includes the following:
c. If the District retains a third party to assist the District with fulfilling its continuing disclosure responsibilities under any CDA, the Compliance Officer will annually review the contract and verify that the third party has fulfilled all of the District’s continuing disclosure responsibilities.
Legal authority: 17 CFR 240.15c2-12; MCL 380.1351a
Date adopted: 08/09/2021
Date revised: 7/16/2024