The District may reimburse an employee for actual, necessary, and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of official or appropriately authorized duties. As a condition to reimbursement, the District may require pre-approval of an expense.
Subject to prior written approval of the Superintendent or designee, an employee may attend workshops, conferences, trainings, programs, official functions, hearings, and meetings that assist in work performance and are in the District’s best interests.
Reimbursement may include expenses for registration, tuition, fees, charges, travel expenses, meals (except alcohol), lodging, or other related expenses as the Superintendent or designee deems appropriate and as permitted by law.
This Policy will not be construed in a manner that restricts reimbursement provisions in any applicable collective bargaining agreement, individual employment contract, or employee handbook.
Legal authority: MCL 380.11a(3), 380.1254(1), 380.1804
Date adopted: 08/09/2021
Date revised